It is a well-known fact that many AITC organizations are working very hard to improve their audits' quality standards. That said, everyone wants to maintain a steady income while providing high standard service to their clients. Despite many new initiatives introduced to auditing companies in the recent past, the overall quality of audits has declined unprecedentedly since many organizations have mainly focused their growth on business by chasing numbers each month.
Also, there is a doubt that the last decade did not show as much progress as expected from the auditors in society because the auditor teams often work around them more than expected from the auditors onsite.
It is our opinion that the auditors who will monitor the environment of social compliance of underprivileged employees should not be handled very strictly. That what is expected of them will not be fulfilled because their primary objectives will often be forgotten under pressure.
No person, no country is 100% law-abiding or honest, so getting 100% honesty from auditors is a challenging task. So we are waiting for that we can provide good service to them by setting up a comfortable environment for auditors and service providers.
Therefore, we will work to provide a better social status to the freelance employee by giving our small contribution to the auditors and audit institutions.